No more discounts on shopping online!!!
Main reasons why new e-commerce policy should worry shopaholics..
New e-commerce policy comes up with the new attempts to give the benifits to the small scale offline business which where suffering from less sales.
The government has tightened the guidelines for e-commerce in India against the backdrop of several complaints from the domestic sellers who alleged that deep discounts offered by the online retail giants would kill their businesses. The policy, however, directly hits the middle-class Indian consumers who were the biggest beneficiaries of the discounts and cash backs that were offered by the e-commerce giants.
The e-commerce policy is an attempt to give Indian online retail players a level playing field when they are pitted against the global big boys. It is also an attempt by the government to prevent the blood-letting in the brick and mortar business. Amazon India and Walmart-owned Flipkart have been successful in attracting customers by offering big discounts. But that won't be possible anymore, and the consumers will be the biggest losers.
Let's look at the main reasons why the new e-commerce policy :-
End of Big discounts:-
Huge online deals, for example, streak deals and Big limits on Flipkart or Amazon might be a relic of past times. Online business goliaths will never again have the capacity to shape restrictive tie-ups with firms with which they sort out the glimmer deals. Additionally, the online business stages won't have the capacity to use in-house dealers like Cloudtail India, Appario Retail, RetailNet, and Omnitech Retail, and persuading the autonomous merchants to give greater limits would now be considerably progressively troublesome.
No More Cashback Deals:
The new arrangement directs that any administration given by internet business sites ought to be "at a manageable distance and in a reasonable and non-biased way." The approach expresses that "arrangement of administrations to any seller on such terms which are not made accessible to different merchants in comparable conditions will be regarded uncalled for and prejudicial." This could be enormous hit to the purchasers whose purchasing choices would now get influenced as the rules infer the finish of cashbacks.
No More Exclusive Deals:
The new web based business arrangement denies 'selective arrangements' which are for the most part kept running by Flipkart and Amazon India. The changed FDI arrangement says that the internet business brands "won't order any dealer to move any item solely on its stage as it were." This implies there won't be that OnePlus elite organization with Amazon where the Chinese telephone major gave away its Bullet remote headphones for nothing!
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